Welcome to a page all about “Everything I Know About Love”

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Read below for credits, the story, and lyrics.

The players:
VC:  Moserite acoustic guitar, Fender Precision bass, djembe; Mike Grow: Fender lap steel guitar guitar; Rich Brodsky: Brian Moore iGuitar; and featuring Samantha Olson: violin

The Story:

Another song with an interesting history. I really don’t remember “writing” this song. It was simply a set of chords I used to jam around with…I’m pretty sure I came up with them sometime not too long after I bought my Moserite which was in 1990. The song never had a title, I never played it live or thought about recording it. I’m not sure if anyone besides myself had ever heard it…though it’s likely I might have played it while someone else was in the room. When I began to realize that I was officially working on a “new CD” my original idea was to call it “The Loneliest Man in Paradise” after a set of lyrics that I wrote in Maui…but I wasn’t having much luck writing music to the words (I did a year later after I bought a Ukelele!) In some moment of inspired sick humor…I thought about calling the CD “Everything I Know About Love” since pretty much every song was about love and/or relationships in some way. So my twisted mind gets working….what if I record that old instrumental….and what if I now call that song “Everything I Know About Love”?
So the decision was made….my final statement on the subject would be lyrical silence, because after 50 years, the truth is…I really don’t know anything. ;-)

However, what little I do  know about love…. can be found in the eight bars of Rich Brodsky’s amazing, Steve Howe-like guitar solos…..and it’s contained in every note of Samantha Olson’s two heart-wrenching violin solos…

So there you have it…my latest group of songs. If you’ve navigated through all these pages, then you are a true fan and I thank you kindly!!! Cheers!


